Many patients are surprised to learn that common rashes such as eczema and psoriasis are lifelong conditions that come and go. At Ann Arbor Saline Dermatology we will make sure you are properly educated about your diagnosis, treatments, and prevention to help make your rash a thing of the past!
Some rashes can be diagnosed clinically, and require no testing whatsoever. Other rashes may require a combination of bloodwork as well as a skin biopsy (taking a skin sample) to diagnose. Even patients with a known diagnosis may benefit from taking bloodwork or a biopsy, which can sometimes provide additional helpful information to guide treatment.
We will provide the best treatments to help get rid of your rash as soon as possible. Some rashes may go away with creams, whereas other rashes may require pills or even injections. At Ann Arbor Saline Dermatology, you can be confident that you will receive the best possible treatments depending on your goals and comfort level.