The safety of the patients and staff is our top priority and Ann Arbor Saline Dermatology is committed to providing the safest possible dermatology office environment.
General Sanitization: We will ask all patients to sanitize their hands upon entering the building. We will continue to disinfect the patient rooms between each patient in addition to sanitizing all high-touch surfaces throughout the day. We have transitioned to one-time use, disposable materials whenever possible to minimize transferring of objects between individuals. Janitor services also frequently clean the clinic outside of clinic hours. All of this is done to create a clean, healthy environment for our patients and staff.
Staff Protection and Equipment: All staff will wear protective gear which may include masks, gloves, and face shields. Our staff will be screened every day for symptoms, exposures, and for fever. If any of the screening measures return positive, the staff will follow CDC guidelines regarding self-quarantining and/or self-isolation prior to returning to work.
Electronic pre-visit paperwork: We strongly encourage patients to complete the check-in paperwork prior to your appointment to limit time spent in the lobby. When your appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email from with subject “Email Verification from Ann Arbor Saline Dermatology” to sign up for our patient portal. Please verify your email then complete your intake forms. Please sign our office consent forms (Under “Appointments” at the top right).
Rescheduling symptomatic and exposed patients: If you have had fever, cough, loss of smell, shortness of breath, diarrhea or have had a known exposure to someone with COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment. Please call and inform us if this happens and we will be happy to reschedule you. Prior to entering the clinic, every patient and/or visitor will be screened for symptoms and recent COVID exposures as well as undergo a temperature check by a contactless thermometer.
Teledermatology: When appropriate, we offer teledermatology services for our patients so that they can have access to care as well as minimizing exposure to our clinic, staff and others as much as possible. There are some cases where teledermatology is not adequate for examination and/or treatment. Your doctor will inform you of these situations and if you would be better served by an in-person visit.
Mask Requirement: All patients and guests are required to bring a surgical mask or cloth mask from home and wear this over your mouth & nose for the entirety of your visit. Please do not wear a mask with a valve.
Limiting Guests: Please do not bring a guest to your appointment unless there is a legitimate need, such as: caregivers, spouses/advocates for patients with memory issues, parents of minors, or siblings of minor patients (for example, if you bring your 4 year old child in for a visit, you can also bring your 7 year old and your 2 year old). This is done in an effort to minimize exposure among everyone, while understanding that real life issues may make it impossible to eliminate extra exposures entirely. Guests, other than the above, will be asked to wait outside the practice.
Limited Waiting Room Access: Lobby capacity will be limited & chairs will be spaced apart. If you prefer to wait in your car, give us a call and we will begin the check-in process & bring you straight back to your exam room.
Social Distancing: We attempt to maximize social distancing as much as possible for all of our visitors. We ask all visitors remain 6 feet from our staff and other patients at all times unless otherwise required for your examination and treatment.
Risk of contracting COVID: Despite all of our efforts, our patients should understand that the risk of contracting COVID-19 does not fall to zero and is still small. This virus can be transferred from another individual, including our staff and/or other patient, while in the clinic. If any patient would prefer to reschedule or defer their care, please contact the clinic and the appointment can be rescheduled in the future without punishment.