Gallup Park is a 69-acre park and is Ann Arbor’s most popular recreation area. It is located along the Huron River and Geddes Pond with scenic walkways that traverse small islands with pedestrian bridges that form a loop.
All of the traffic through Gallup Park brings lots of trash and litter. In addition to being an eyesore, trash and litter have negative environmental impacts on our community:
Plastic pollution does not fully degrade, turns into microplastics which harm the health of animals (such as fish) and work their way up the food chain (to you!)
Animals can become entangled in the debris
Trash can smother aquatic plants and interfere with their growth
Trash can be a transport for non-native invasive species into the local ecosystem
Litter can be a breeding ground for bacteria and spread disease
It can lead to declining fish populations
It looks bad
Learn more about the negative effects of aquatic trash here.
The Ann Arbor Saline Dermatology team spent one of the last (kind of) warm days picking up trash in Gallup Park, focusing our efforts on trash around the riverside and bridges.
